Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh Little One with No Name

As you already know, Emily is due to give birth in just a few SHORT weeks. Emily and Josh are working on the last few details and everything will be in place for his arrival. The problem is....he has no name!!!!!

Here are some possibilities (depending on who you ask)...

Colt - Eli - Case - Ian - Owen - Carter - Isaiah - Brennen

Forrest would be a fabulous middle name because there are family connections to this name. (FYI - Landon's middle name is Joshua, so it has a family connection too.)

Cast your vote in our survey and give your two sense!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Family Pastime

Josh plays on a church softball team most Friday nights. The family spends the evening at the field cheering on Josh, getting dirty and spending time with friends! Here are a few pics that capture a typical game night.
ALL BOY!!!Posing!
Trying to be tough....!

Landon and his buds...being boys!

Drink break!
Missing teeth!
Running the bases after the game!
Emily doing what she does best...loving on babies!